#!perl $temp=$ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}; @pairs=split(/&/,$temp); foreach $item(@pairs) { ($key,$content)=split (/=/,$item,2); $content=~tr/+/ /; $content=~ s/%(..)/pack("c",hex($1))/ge; $fields{$key}=$content; } ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time); $user = $fields{'name'}; if ($user) { &PrintResponsePage; &WriteOut; } else { &NoName; } # subroutines sub PrintResponsePage { print <Music 190W Chapter 11 Quiz Response

Music 190W Chapter 11 Quiz Results

Hi there, $fields{'name'}, whose e-mail address is <$fields{'email'}>.

ENDPRINT $q = 0; # number of questions answered correctly $t = 23; # total number of questions $score = 0; # score on the test to be converted into percent $x = 1; # the question number $a = 0; # the answer number # be sure to update answer key for each new week @ans = ("c","c","d","b","c","c","d","d","b","d","b","b","a","a","e","c","a","b","c","b","b","a","c"); while ($x != 24) { if ($fields{$x} eq @ans[$a]) { print "Question $x is correct.

\n"; ++$q; } else { print "Question $x is incorrect.

\n"; } ++$x; ++$a; } $score = $q / $t; $score = int $score * 100; print "Your score on this quiz is $score%.\n"; if ($score != 100) { print <Please review the questions you missed and try this quiz again in order to reach the writing assignment prompts.

Use Netscape's Back button to return to your quiz.

E-mail Prof. Murphy if you have questions

ENDPRINT } else { print < Choose one prompt and write a 1-page essay, which will be due at your class meeting in week 12.

Essays must be typed, with 1 inch margins on all sides and no extra lines between paragraphs.

The prompts for week 11:

  1. Choose one of the pieces described in chapter 11 and listen to it closely several times. How is the experience of listening to this music different from listening to American folk or popular music? What new challenges does it make on you as a listener?

  2. The music we are studying this week existed centuries before the invention of recording. Imagine that you are an English traveler in Italy who has just heard a performance of Corelli's "Christmas Concerto" (tracks 20-22). Write a letter home to a friend that describes the piece.

  3. How does the description of the social role of the Baroque composer as skilled employee or craftsman relate to the way you thought about classical music composers before taking this course? Does it cause you to relate to the music any differently?

E-mail Prof. Murphy if you have questions

ENDPRINT } print "\n"; } sub NoName { print <No Name Entered

You can take the quiz as many times as you like.

I do ask, however, that you enter your name at the top of the quiz form.

Netscape's Back button will return you to your quiz.

Prof. Murphy

ENDPRINT print "\n"; } sub WriteOut { $when = localtime(time); open(OUTFILE, ">>$fields{'name'}.wk7log") || die "Sorry, I couldn't open that file for writing\n"; print OUTFILE "$fields{'name'}, whose SSN is $fields{'ssn'}, has taken the chapter 5 quiz at $when.\n"; &PrintOutResponse; close(OUTFILE); open(REPORTFILE,">>quiz7log.txt") || die "Sorry, I couldn't open the log file.\n"; print REPORTFILE "$fields{'name'} | $score% | $when | $ENV{'HTTP_USER_AGENT'}\n"; close REPORTFILE; } sub PrintOutResponse { $q = 0; # number of questions answered correctly $t = 23; # total number of questions $score = 0; # score on the test to be converted into percent $x = 1; # the question number $a = 0; # the answer number @ans = ("c","c","d","b","c","c","d","d","b","d","b","b","a","a","e","c","a","b","c","b","b","a","c"); while ($x != 24) { if ($fields{$x} eq @ans[$a]) { print OUTFILE "Question $x is correct.\n"; ++$q; } else { print OUTFILE "Question $x is incorrect.\n"; } ++$x; ++$a; } $score = $q / $t; $score = int $score * 100; print OUTFILE "The score on this quiz is $score%.\n\n"; }