Music 190 Class Policies


weekly written assignments (13 @ 4 pts each)
there is no written assignment for weeks 9 (midterm) and 15 (final)
written assignments based on performances (3 @ 5 pts each) 15%
midterm (15 pts) and final (18 pts) 33%

A = 90-100 B = 80-89 C = 70-79 D = 60-69 F = 59 and below

Grading format for weekly assignments:

Weekly assignments are 1-page page essays on the material learned each week. Specific writing prompts will be given in the Web pages after you have passed that week's quiz with 100%. Please do no merely get the writing prompts from someone else without doing the quiz; the computer records will tell me who has passed the quiz, and those who submit essays without completing the quiz will not receive credit for the essay that week.

4 points musical topic is adequately understood and writing has no mistakes that affect clarity
3 points musical topic is adequately understood and writing has few mistakes that affect clarity
1 or 2 points musical topic is not adequately understood and/or there are serious writing problems that affect clarity
0 points assignment not turned in, or assignment turned in without doing the quiz on the web

Format for midterm and final:

The midterm and final will be taken by the class all together. Each test will include:

Questions on the midterm and final will be selected from questions on the weekly quizzes.


This attendance policy is strict for two reasons: First, the purpose of our class meetings is for you to discuss what you have been studying independently and clarify anything you are unsure of. Your contribution to the discussion is important. These aren't lecture sessions. Second, keep in mind that I am only asking you to attend once a week during most weeks. In other words, you are already excused from around 20 class meetings! During this time you are expected to work with the text, recordings, and web pages independently and with fellow students, and to attend three concerts.

I expect you to attend every class. During the weeks labeled "class attends as a whole," I expect everyone to be there. During the weeks labeled "class meets in discussion sections," I expect you to be there on your group's day, not on another group's day. Attendance at the midterm and final is also required and no makeup exams will be given. Allowance will be made for serious illness and emergencies.

At the end of the first week, the class will be divided randomly into Monday, Wednesday, and Friday meeting groups. If you have special circumstances that will cause you to miss one particular day (like a sports team that will cause you to miss several Fridays), bring written proof of that and I will make sure you are in a different group.

Students with Disabilities

To any student in this class who has special needs related to a disability: please feel free to discuss this with me, or see Disability Support Services in Memorial Hall.

Academic Dishonesty

Most students I've encountered at WIU are honest about their work. Cheating does happen, however. Academic dishonesty--including cheating on exams and plagiarism in written work--short-circuits the learning process and degrades university life, and it will not be tolerated in this class. The first evidence of cheating will result in a zero for that assignment or exam. Any further evidence of cheating will result in an automatic F grade for the course.

Subject to change with notice. The most current version of this syllabus is the one on the Web.

Music 190W page
This file was last modified on 16 May 2000.