Music 190W Week 12

Music of the Classic Period (1750-1820)

The works and composers we'll study in this chapter are some of the best known in the classical music repertoire. As we study the musical style and the social and historical context, keep this question in mind: why has this music had such enduring popularity? Is it something about the way the music itself is put together? Are there social and historical reasons we're not aware of that make this music, rather than Renaissance or Baroque music, the classical music that has achieved mass popularity over several centuries?


Chapter 12; Hacker topics 21 & 22


CD 2, tracks 23-37

Study Questions

Listening Examples

Beethoven, Piano Sonata No. 8 in C Minor ("Pathetique"), third movement, tracks 23-30

This movement is in rondo form. In rondo form, the opening theme returns after contrasting material has been presented. Use the description on pp. 265-66 and these links to follow the form of this movement.
a rondo theme (track 23)
b first contrasting section (track 24)
a rondo theme returns (track 25)
c second contrasting theme (track 26)
a rondo theme returns (track 27)
b derived from first contrasting theme (track 28)
a rondo theme (track 29)
coda (track 30)

Listen to the entire movement.

Mozart, Symphony No. 39 in E flat Major, fourth movement, tracks 31-37

This movement is in sonata form. Follow the description of the form on p. 269 as you use these links. Each major section of the form corresponds to a track on CD 2. We will listen to this piece in class. Use this outline to review the parts of a movement in sonata form.

first theme (a) track 31
second theme (b) track 32

Exposition repeats
first theme (a) track 33
second theme (b) track 34

Development track 35

first theme (a) track 36
second theme (b) and coda track 37

Listen to the entire movement.

Hacker handbook topics

Topic 21 deals with other puncuation marks, topic 22 with capitalization. Most of this will be familiar. On the quiz I'll ask about items from this list of useful things to know about punctuation:


Take the Week 12 quiz.

Learn more about it

AudioVisual Services in the Main Library has numerous videos on Western Art Music. In addition to the writing prompts found at the end of the quiz each week, you can also watch one of these and base your writing assignment on what you learn from the video. If this appeals to you, see me for specific suggestions of videos.

Music 190W page
This file was last modified on 16 May 2000.