Craig B. Parker

Craig B. Parker

Craig B. Parker has been on the faculty at Kansas State University since 1982, where he teaches music history and plays trumpet with the KSU Faculty Brass Quintet. He earned his B.M. in trumpet performance from the University of Georgia and his M.A. and Ph.D. in historical musicology from UCLA. He has done post-doctoral work at the University of Michigan and Harvard University as the recipient of NEH grants.

Professor Parker has published over 40 articles and reviews in a variety of scholarly journals. His research interests focus primarily on American topics, particularly on those related to Sousa and his band and to music since 1945. Parker served as an assistant editor of the International Trumpet Guild Journal for four years and of American Music for twelve years. He received the Distinguished Service Citation from the Society for American Music in 2011.

Professor Parker has presented numerous papers at regional, national, and international conferences of the CMS and many other scholarly organizations. While president of the CMS Great Plains chapter, he established the Paul Revitt Award for the most outstanding paper by a student presented at the chapter’s annual meeting. Dr. Parker is currently the CMS Board Member for Musicology.