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Chokfi': Sarcasm by Jerod Impichchaachaaha' Tate. Virtual Performance of the Seattle Pacific University Orchestra (May 2021)

March 1, 2022

Chokfi': Sarcasm by Jerod Impichchaachaaha' Tate, speaker. Performed by the Seattle Pacific University Orchestra. Director Christopher Hanson. Seattle, Washington, USA, May 2021.

Video Transcription:  

[0:07] Jerod Impichchaachaaha' Tate: Chokma! Cinchokmata, hattak. Saholhchifout Jerod Impichchaachaaha’ Tate. Chikashsha saya. Haslaka asayopa. Chokma’shki’. Yakkookay! 

[0:18] Hello everyone. My name is Jerod Impichchaachaaha' Tate, and I am a citizen of the Chickasaw Nation here in Oklahoma, and I am a professional classical composer. The work that you are about to hear is entitled Chokfi’ and chokfi’ is our Chikasaw word for the rabbit. So in most cultures around the world we have stories of certain trickster characters. These trickster beings are here to challenge us in many and possibly unwanted and annoying ways. Our rabbit (chokfi’) is an important trickster legend within Southeast American Indian cultures. Inspired by a commission from the Oklahoma Youth Orchestras, I decided to create a character sketch that would be both fun and challenging for the kids. Different string and percussion techniques and colors represent the complicated and diabolical personality of this “rabbit person.” In honor of my Muscogee, Creek friends I have incorporated a popular tribal church hymn as the melodic and musical base.  

724 Last modified on April 18, 2022