Advanced Search

Welcome to Symposium’s advanced search feature. Search Symposium by adding text to the boxes or selecting from the drop-down menus.

Everything in Symposium is indexed by tags, also known as keywords. Enter a tag in the box to define a search. A pop-up list will appear to show you similar tags already in use.

Search the titles of works included in Symposium by specific words or phrases.

Search Symposium by any of its nine major categories.

Search Symposium by last name of its authors.

Article Text:
Search Symposium by words in the text of articles.

Search Symposium by any of its volumes. Volumes represent calendar years (Vol. 1 = 1961, Vol. 2 = 1962, etc.)

Search Tips

How do I search by ISBN?
Place the ISBN, or a portion of the ISBN, in the Article Text field. If CMS has reviewed the book or recording, or if the ISBN is included in an article, the results will be returned.

Looking for articles written in 1968?
All volumes are also tagged by year, so enter '1968' in the Tag field.

Trying to find article on higher education written by Robert J. Werner?
Enter 'higher education' in the Tag field and 'Werner' in the Author field.

Looking for articles that have 'music theory' in the title?
Enter 'music theory' in the Title field.

In all cases, click 'Search' once you have entered the criteria of your choice.