CMS Forums Monthly Discussion - January/February 2016

November 30, 2015

College Music Symposium is proud to present CMS Forums Monthly Discussion where the Society's members can broach topics relevant to the profession in a manner less formal than the academic journal itself. In doing so, the collegial feedback that one normally receives through known colleagues is broadened to include the entire membership. Though the topics (and survey lengths) are of the individual's choosing, the CMS Forums Editorial Board reviews all submissions.

January/February 2016 discussion, authored by Dr, David Mitchell (Atlanta Institute of Music and Media), focuses on degrees and programs in music technology. This study will collect data on how traditional music schools are adapting their curriculum to include a greater emphasis on preparing students for music careers that include aspects of digital music composition, performance and production.

We hope you will enjoy CMS Forums Monthly Discussion and participate each month!

Click here to begin the survey.

2060 Last modified on September 27, 2018
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