Music Faculty Role and Organizational Commitment

September 20, 2019


Faculty commitment to their work roles impacts their vitality, performance, and retention, as well as increases their commitment to the organization. Music faculty roles are complex due to the artistic accomplishment and individualized tutorial pedagogy model embedded in their expected roles in research, teaching, and service. We examined music faculty commitment to their institution by exploring their commitment to academic/artistic work roles through the analysis of responses from a national sample of ranked music professors. Results show that intrinsic factors, such as aspiration to achieve, esteem for one’s work, and goal setting, are related to commitment to research and teaching. Extrinsic factors, such as collaboration with colleagues outside the department and administrative experience, are predictors of increased service. Commitment to institution was gauged by aggregate association to role commitment. Using Meyer’s organizational commitment model, we interpret music faculty commitment to organization as affective and normative rather than continuance.

Vincent Benitez

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