Michael Stepniak and Brian Pertl

Michael Stepniak and Brian Pertl

Michael Stepniak, Dean and Professor of Music at Shenandoah Conservatory since 2009, oversees over 200 faculty and staff and close to 700 students in 27 programs across music, dance, and theatre. An educator and performer, he is the lead author of the acclaimed book Beyond the Conservatory Model (Routledge/CMS). https://www.su.edu/conservatory/dean-michael-stepniak/

Brian Pertl is the Dean of the Lawrence Conservatory. Pertl believes that creating conservatory cultures that honor diversity, multi-musicality, creativity, exploration, collaboration, curiosity, and play along with core musicianship are key to creating musicians and entrepreneurs who will best overcome the obstacles and capitalize on the opportunities of today. https://www.lawrence.edu/conservatory/faculty/brian_pertl/node/4487