College Music Symposium

Peer Review Process

Editor Guides can be found:

1. The author/creator adheres to the journal guidelines and style sheet and submits the manuscript or item/media to be reviewed through the CMS online system. Submitter is subsequently informed that the submission was received.

2. Component Editors are notified of, and given access to, the new submission and assess it for basic quality, audience interest, and journal fit. If major problems are found, Editors can decline a submission and notify the author at this point, or if the work is not problematic, an Editor will assign at least two referees to further assess.

3. Potential referees consider the invitation in context of their own expertise, conflicts of interest, and availability. They accept or decline. If declining, they might also suggest alternative reviewers.

4. The referee initially reads the paper to form a general impression and can use this Symposium rubric as a guide. If major problems are found, the referee may reject the submission at this phase. Otherwise, they will re-read the paper and prepare a more detailed assessment, which is then submitted to the Editor with a recommendation to accept, reject, or revise and resubmit.

5. The Component Editor considers all the assessments before making an overall decision. If the referees differ widely, the Editor may invite an additional referee(s) to assess before making a final judgement. The Editor’s decision is communicated to the author along with any relevant referee comments, as the Editor sees fit.